Convention Bulletin – A packed Day 2 for CUPE NL

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The second day of our 50th annual convention started bright and early with a breakfast meeting sponsored by National President Mark Hancock and National Secretary-Treasurer Candace Rennick who also participated in a Q&A with delegates.

Today’s full agenda continued with rousing presentations by guest speakers including provincial NDP leader Jim Dinn, President of the federal NDP Mary Shortall, and Yolanda McClean, the Secretary-Treasurer of CUPE Ontario, who spoke about the Women in Leadership Development (WILD) program.

Brandice Blanchard, member of the CUPE Atlantic Maritimes Indigenous Council (CAMIC), addressed the plenary speaking to the work vital CAMIC does to support our Indigenous – First Nations, Métis, and Inuit members.

Delegates also enjoyed a screening of Bargaining Forward, the newly released documentary exploring the strategic mobilization and organizing work which culminated in a powerful province-wide strike involving 22,000 public sector workers in New Brunswick in 2021, followed by comments from CUPE New Brunswick President Stephen Drost.

      National International Solidarity Representative Kelti Cameron presented the newly launched Temporary foreign workers in our union: A solidarity and action guide to the plenary. The guide includes eight specific actions that members, locals, and divisions can implement to support fellow workers and members with precarious immigration status and spoke to the absolutely critical nature of this work in strengthening the labour movement.

Three resolutions and eight constitutional amendments were debated on the convention floor, with the following results:

  • Resolution #5: On cost-of-living adjustments – PASSED
  • Resolution #16: Safe Drinking Water – PASSED
  • Constitutional Amendment #1: On the Equality Statement – PASSED
  • Constitutional Amendment #3: To Article 7 – Duties of Officers and Trustees – PASSED
  • Constitutional Amendment #4: To Article 7 – Duties of Officers and Trustees – PASSED
  • Constitutional Amendment #5: To Article 7 – Duties of Officers and Trustees – PASSED
  • Constitutional Amendment #6: To Article 9 – Finance – PASSED
  • Constitutional Amendment #7: To Article 9 – Finance – PASSED
  • Constitutional Amendment #8: Adding the Code of Conduct – PASSED

Resolution #1: Hybrid was withdrawn, and Constitutional Amendment #2: To Article 4 – Conventions was defeated.

The day’s agenda wrapped with a report from Atlantic Regional Director Tracey Pinder, who spoke to the theme of this year’s convention: Why Politics Matter, reminding delegates about the importance of being politically engaged, and how that connects to our union activism. She also introduced Resource Staff and Servicing Representatives from the Atlantic Regional Office.

Several delegates were also presented prizes won at the breakfast meeting and through a raffle sponsored by Higgins Insurance. The generously donated prizes included an $800 travel voucher, laptop, and cafe gift cards.

Also today, elections were held for three new positions on the CUPE NL executive, as decided by members at last year’s convention.

The Black, Racialized and Indigenous Workers Caucus elected Brandice Blanchard (furthest left) of Local 4935 as Diversity Vice-President.

The People with Disabilities, 2SLGBTQIA+ and Women Workers Caucus elected Stephanie LeGrow (immediate left) as a second Diversity Vice-President.

Trevor Carson of Local 4935 was elected as Young Worker by the Young Workers Caucus (third from right, below).