Convention Bulletin – Day 1 in sunny St. John’s!

The 50th annual CUPE Newfoundland & Labrador convention kicked off today with much fanfare; delegates enjoyed music from the St. John’s Mi’kmaq Women’s Circle, sang Happy Birthday to National President Mark Hancock, and got the first glimpse of our brand new CUPE NL trailer which will be touring the province this summer.

    Along with first-day fun, there were also several engaging discussions as delegates took to the convention floor to discuss the following resolutions:

  • Resolution #2: Truth and Reconciliation Day – PASSED
  • Resolution #3: On educating members on the dangers of privatization – PASSED
  • Resolution #4: On funding public for public libraries – PASSED


  • Resolution #6: On contracting out of public services – PASSED
  • Resolution #7: On public housing – PASSED
  • Resolution #8: On by-stander training for members – PASSED
  • Resolution #9: On CUPE NL services for persons with disabilities – PASSED

  • Resolution #10: On CUPE NL’s participation in a Just Transition – PASSED
  • Resolution #11: On climate literacy – PASSED
  • Resolution #12: CUPE Truth and Reconciliation Strategy – PASSED
  • Resolution #13: Drag Story Time – PASSED

  • Resolution #14: Free Menstrual Hygiene Products – PASSED
  • Resolution #15: Health Care Privatization – PASSED
  • Resolution #17: On recruitment in acute care and long-term care facilities – PASSED

National President Mark Hancock and National Secretary-Treasurer Candace Rennick also addressed the convention today, speaking to hard-won victories in labour in the face of austerity, privatization, and the growing influence of the far-right.

Delegates also heard reports from division President Sherry Hillier, the Credentials Committees, Treasurer and Trustee. Guest speakers included CLC Secretary-Treasurer Lily Chang, Federation of Labour President Jessica McCormick.

Finally, all present took time today to acknowledge those whom we have lost in the last year. Delegates were invited to name members in their locals who have passed on, and a moment of silence was observed.