CUPE NL will not cross a protest line to hear the provincial budget

As a sign of respect to the fish harvesters currently gathered outside the Confederation Building, CUPE Newfoundland and Labrador will not be crossing their protest line to attend any budget announcements or lockups. Instead, CUPE Newfoundland and Labrador will attend an alternate budget watch hosted by the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour.

“Every year, CUPE Newfoundland and Labrador attends the budget lockup so that we can be informed on the government’s spending plan for the upcoming fiscal year, but not this year,” said CUPE Newfoundland and Labrador President Sherry Hillier. “As long as the fish harvesters are gathered outside the Confederation Building in protest, we will not cross their protest line. As union activists, it’s our duty to show solidarity with fellow workers.”

The fish harvesters have expressed their frustrations with how local fisheries process fishing licenses and have called on the government to resolve the issue. Today, they gathered in protest to express their dissatisfaction in the lack of action taken by the provincial government thus far.

CUPE Newfoundland and Labrador hopes to hear that the Furey government is taking the protests seriously and begins addressing the concerns of the workers and their union rather than just forcing out the protesters or rescheduling the budget to another day.

Release: Provincial government must keep public services public in new 10-year education plan

CUPE Newfoundland & Labrador welcomes the provincial government’s announcement of a 10-year plan to modernize and improve the province’s education system.

“We look forward to working with the employer to develop a plan that will improve public education across the province that values our members working in this sector, and that will keep public education public,” said CUPE NL President Sherry Hillier.

“In the past four years, the Furey administration has continued to push public-private partnerships across the province. This government has tried to contract out much of our current public service work, targeting hospitals, housing, and even snow removal in our towns, and we don’t want that to affect our schools more than it already has. The children of Newfoundland and Labrador deserve an education system that prioritizes their learning, not profit.”

CUPE NL is prepared to fight for a high-quality, public education system for our members, and for the people of Newfoundland & Labrador. They will be holding town halls with members across the province to ensure that this plan incorporates the expert knowledge of those working in education and reflects the issues and concerns that are important to CUPE NL members.