Campaign logo with boot print and QR code. Text, Reject the Reset, CUPE,

Reject the Reset

Web banner. Text: Reject the Reset. Image: Illustration of a boot print with the CUPE NL logo.Campaign information and resources

CUPE is asking all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to reject the premier’s so-called “reset” and to fight the proposed cuts to the public sector and vital public services, and selling publicly-owned assets – before it’s too late!

Premier Furey wants everyone to think he has the public’s best interests at heart, but what his plan is really doing is putting more money in the pockets of corporations and billionaires. The private sector is always looking for more ways to generate profit and taking over public services can be extremely profitable – by cutting corners on safety and quality, cutting good jobs, pushing down wages and benefits, and working people into the ground.

Sign the petition!

Stop Premier Furey’s plan to destroy our public services. We need your voice to help us Reject the Reset. Add your name to our call for the government to stop the reset plan of privatizing services and selling off our assets.

Sign now!

Contact your MHA now!

Tell them to reject the “reset”. Newfoundlanders and Labradorians know they can count on public services to make life more affordable and more equal, and improve our communities and our quality of life.

Contact your MHA

Seven takeaways for CUPE members: Budget 2022-2023

Some of the biggest issues that we may face this year were not revealed in the specifics of the 2022-2023 provincial budget. The Furey government tailored their budget to try to pass it off as a good news story. CUPE members should be aware of these seven takeaways. Download a printable copy of the leaflet.

Get the leaflet

Myth Busters – Reject the Reset

Busting the myths created by Premier Furey’s “big reset” to save the economy by privatizing public services, selling off assets, and cutting jobs.

Get the leaflet

Radio ads

CUPE is asking all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to reject Premier Andrew Furey’s “reset” plan, and to fight the proposed cuts to the public sector and public services, and the sale of publicly-owned assets.

Listen to the ads


Experts agree, Newfoundland and Labrador’s debt can be managed without cuts and privatization

Greene Report recommendations will devastate NL communities: CUPE

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Union-made and NL-made vendors that supply promotional items such as t-shirts, noisemakers, signs, flyers, buttons, flags, and more.

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Campaign logos

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