
We enjoy good quality of life thanks to public services. Canadians know they can count on public services to be accountable, accessible, locally-controlled and a wise investment of tax dollars.

Privatization undermines these community values. Contracting out and public-private partnerships are risky and expensive for municipalities and citizens. Costs rise, quality suffers and local control is weakened. Services are less accessible, and projects are delayed. Public funds are diverted from core services to corporate profits.

There is a better way. When services are public and well-funded, they deliver a solid, reliable foundation Canadians can count on.

[prompt type=”left” title=”P3s – The Trojan Horse of Liberal Health Care” message=”Like the mythical Trojan Horse, P3-built health care facilities are a hollow promise that threatens our health care system with increased costs down the road, leading to fewer beds, job cuts and lower standards of care.” button_text=”Learn More” button_icon=”align-right” href=””]

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