Library workers are literacy leaders

October is Canadian Library Month! It’s a time when we raise awareness about the valuable role of libraries and celebrate the contributions of CUPE library workers. This year we’re honouring the critical role of CUPE library workers as literacy leaders.

Library workers help bridge the literacy gap

Everyone can learn to improve their literacy skills, but not everyone can access the help they need, or knows where they can access support. Societal changes are increasingly demanding more sophisticated literacy skills to fully participate in daily life. Solving literacy challenges is key to advancing social equity and our standard of living across the country.

Bridging the literacy gap is a key role of libraries and library workers. In school, public, and post-secondary libraries across the country, CUPE library workers plan, organize, and facilitate a broad range of literacy programs to support skills development across the age span. They work with library visitors to build the skills and confidence needed to grow and reach their potential.

Read the personal stories of CUPE library worker members to learn more about the role they play in promoting literacy. And take a look at the diverse range of literacy programs and services they deliver to nurture literacy skills. The stories and services highlight the knowledge, skills, and creative talents of CUPE library workers and the breadth of programming that’s available.

CUPE library workers are proud of the work they do to improve literacy and this month, we want to recognize and thank them for all they do to help people improve their literacy skills from coast to coast to coast.

Library workers are literacy leaders and help change peoples’ lives. Take a moment this month to show your appreciation for library workers and the positive impact they have had on your life or that of a family member!